Market Data Platform

         time series          query engine

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Market Data Platform

In memory
query engine

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Meet the new standard for modern data analysis.

Move faster as an analyst.

You add in the sums and we help you save up. With us, you’ll never have to reach into your emergency savings again.

What We Offer

A smarter, error-free and cost-effective way to turn time series data into a powerful query, all through a simple interface.

Our Strengths

fast. simple. reliable

Get quick access to the data you need. Easily query data, find connections, and set up data tables in no time. Stay a step ahead with fast, real-time insights.

No distractions. Just your data, clear and direct.  It's straight to what matters, quickly and efficiently, with everything you need.

Access the same data you trust, but faster. No changes to your query, just quicker results with the reliability.

Maximize Your Analyze Potential.


Turn hours or even days of work into minutes.

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Accelerates data analysis, turning hours or even days of work into minutes, thus enabling real-time decision-making and rapid response to energy fluctuations.
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This speed transforms the way professionals interact with data, making critical processes faster and more efficient.


Simplified data interpretation through user-friendly interface

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MDP strictly maintains the authenticity of the data it processes. I
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This speed transforms the way professionals interact with data, making critical processes faster and more efficient.


The data presented to the users is exactly as found in open sources, without any manipulations.

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MDP strictly maintains the authenticity of the data it processes.
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This speed transforms the way professionals interact with data, making critical processes faster and more efficient.

Let's be partners!

Contact us to structure you data and change your analyzing game.

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Market Data Platform

Experience a smarter, error-free and cost-effective way to turn time series data into a powerful  query, all through a simple interface.

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